Link the dark 20

i am sure, if you are so interested, you could ask.
i was reading psalm 119 last night, and some of it made my heart ache. i want to be like that psalmist. to reach God, and follow his law. more than that, to love His word. his decrees. to experience God through his word. i suggest, if you havent already, to go read through the entire 150 or so verses. it is worth it.
The picture from artist Jen Corace, featured in Frankie mag a couple editions ago. the buttons are from my dear friend Dawn. the words are my own.
this is one of my favourite ones of yours sam. Beautiful and true.
Emoticons don't really cover the full gamut of expression. Can you imagine empathy and sorrow, regret and encouragement and hope...all reduced to 2 ascii characters:
no, but i do appreciate your good intentions. :)
i am very curious about you Pax'. how did you manage to find my humble little blog full of my emotionable art?
i like this one most so far :)
buttons are fantastic and yoru use of colour really conveys raw emotion.
another beautiful piece sam :)
"how did you manage to find my humble little blog full of my emotionable art?"
=) It is a very exciting story, fraught with peril and gallantry. Basically, I stumbled (via the StumbleUpon extension for Firefox) upon a website called "". And in the links page, he has a link to your blog. Thus I arrived here, and enjoyed your contemplative nature, and stayed. =)
And they all lived happily ever after ^_^
ahh, i love Clay (aka, morseldisruption guy)... i just wish he would update more often...
oh, and pax'. if you want to ever email me / add me to msn, my thingy is
i'm glad you have stayed. ^_^
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