Link the Dark 16

Done before bed last night. i was in a pretty down mood.
stuff has been going on in my head, and in my life that is trying to get control of me. its getting pretty hard to keep fighting against it.
yesterday, i just wanted someone to talk to, to dump my mind and thoughts on. but no one was being particularly chatty.
the picture i took from Frankie, and is by artist Eveline Tarunadjaja.
pretty green paper, and buttons.
Frankie sure sounds like a good magazine to read :) Can you tell me a little about it, is it a Christian magazine, or just a chicks-in-general magazine? And is there any way of getting a subscription for it somehow? I have never seen it in Perth before!
I really like the emotion you put into your art, it conveys such a strong and powerful message and definately makes me think!
Sam, hallo =) I have just traipsed across your blog -- I caught a glint of melancholy in the corner of my eye and stopped for a closer look. Your collages are very nice...and you know what? I look at the last dozen or so, and the net effect is tremendous and wistful peace. God does good things by your hand =)
I know the feeling of needing to talk and having no outlet. Too often I am chattier and sadder than my friends. =P
M'sorry for you =(
Now it's been 6 days since your post, and who knows how your fight has progressed since then? I pray that you are in the clear now, enjoying warm sunlight. =) But if you are not...or next time you are under pressure...Sam, you know this: God is with you. All the world fits between his thumb and forefinger, yet he holds your hand. ^_^ And I know you will prevail -- it is not you fighting, but God fighting for you. You have, on your side, the entire weight of holiness. Allow me to encourage you in things you already know ;) Stay close to God. Fall often at his feet. Seek the circle of his arms. Be reminded that you belong to Jesus. Nothing else has a claim on your life (though many things lie, making false claims). There is Hope, of the Promised kind. =)
That is all rosy and wonderful, to be sure, until you are actually getting hammered with Real Life. We all need God's Spirit to solidify our knowledge -- to take the promises of Christ ("I will never leave you", "I will give you life", "I will save you") and make them more than words to us. In truth, God is so real and so near that you might expect to stub your toes on him. =P And his love is real enough that you might expect a Valentine (written, I think, in Lamb's blood). ;)
I hope you are well, my just-met-you sister. =) I leave you with words that other people wrote, as they sometimes say things better than I. (These words are actually Lady Fate talking to Beethoven, but I have commandeered them...I think it is ok to say that they are now spoken to you, from our Lord):
I'll keep your secrets,
I'll hold your ground,
and when the darkness starts to fall I'll be around there waiting,
when dreams are fading,
and friends are distant and few,
know at that moment I'll be there with you.
(Though I intend to pray that your friends, rather than being distant and few, will be close and many. You're very loved, Sam. =)
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