Link the Dark 17

My semi new years resolution was to pray for courage each day. i do not know why, but i fear. i am afraid. i admire and look up to people who are brave, who don't fear.
i ask of the Lord for courage, to do those things which terrify me, and they seem so overwhelming and numerous.
The picture from artist Jen Corace, featured in Frankie mag a couple editions ago. the buttons are from my dear friend Dawn. the words are my own.
I'm reading meanings into your pictures, but I guess that's alright? =)
I was looking at the girl in the tree and thinking, of the scariest things for me is staying in safe places. =P If I were in that tree, I would want to jump down and take my chances before the water rose too high. But now I trust that God sets me in high enough branches. =)
It's possibly rude to come to your blog and talk about myself so much...? It was just to let you know you hearten me -- I hope it's okay. =\
And I think I will give you a false impression that I am always quoting song lyrics, but, as far as songs regarding bravery go, "The Warrior is a Child" by Twila Paris is one of my favorites.
Best wishes!
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