Monday, May 01, 2006

Un-Anesthestised Happiness

so Oprah says something thats helpful...

nah, i love Oprah.

this was done after some stuff over one weekend where i went from being full of joy, to being horribly sad and not even able to create art, and then i got over it.

i woke up, and was happy. the day was grey and cold, but i was filled with joy.

has, yellow tissue paper, yellow card, yellow home made paper which i made back in year 4. quote by oprah, butterflies, a plait with beads, and some clothes shop in GPO's buisness card.

last monday, april the 24th, 2006.


At 12:04 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This ones very girly... but thats cool. I like girls.


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