Saturday, June 10, 2006

Image Issues

sometimes this is how i feel.

sometimes, i think, this is how all females feel. at one point in their life atleast.
yes, i am generalising. truthfully, i am jealous of those gorgeous girls, beauty on the inside and out.
and of those girls who dont seem to care.

that isnt me. i do care.

yes, i care less now than i did last year, when it was bad, but that same little niggleing voice haunts me, and i bet it will forever.
infact, sometimes im happy with how i look. but that contentment fluctuates often.


At 10:51 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Every girl would relate to this.
And the same as you...while I'm not as bad I was, the insecurity and jealousy and plain stupid feelings creep up to haunt me every now and then.

We are beautiful Sam. If only we knew how beautiful God thinks we are, and if only that was enough.

At 1:58 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

to quote missy higgins, "the bad fruit, nobody buys"... I know it well. Boyfriends don't help, actually. Though they're nice.

I think you're beautiful sammy.


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